MASS INTENTIONS: Having a Mass said in memory of a loved one is a beautiful remembrance. Mass offerings may also be given for the health of a sick person, a newly married couple, a young person preparing for Confirmation or First Holy Communion, a person preparing to enter the Church through RCIA, a college student, a wedding anniversary or any other prayer intention. We are scheduling for 2025, there are openings, both weekend and daily Mass. There is a customary offering of $20 for a Mass intention. Please contact the parish office if you would like to schedule a Mass.
The Diocese of Green Bay and our parishes are grateful to all those who have generously provided a donation for Masses, funerals, weddings, and Quinceaneras in the past. The donation for these sacraments and services has remained the same for over thirty years throughout the Dioceses of Wisconsin. Recently, when the Bishops of the State of Wisconsin gathered, they decreed that stipends should be adjusted to reflect the current time. The new stipend structure is as follows:
Mass Stipend $20
Funeral Stole Fee $75
Wedding & Quinceanera $100
This new fee structure will become effective July 1, 2024. It will not be applied retroactively to those who have already paid the appropriate amount from the former fee scale. The new fee structure will be applied to all new requests as of July 1, 2024. As always, if someone is not able to offer the stipend, the parish is always happy to provide the sacrament or service with no fee. Please know, too, that any stipend money collected goes to the parish in support of its ministry and services provided to the parish community; it does not go personally to the priest.