Each month a specific food/item is collected for the pantry:
- January- Canned Fruit
- February – Boxed Dinners / Canned Tuna
- March – Dish & Laundry Soap
- April – Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta
- May – Canned Fruit
- June – Shampoo / Bar Soap / Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- July – Soup / Cereal
- August – Canned Vegetables
- September – Boxed Dinners / Canned Tuna
- October – Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta
- November – Dish & Laundry Soap
- December – Soup / Cereal
However, donations of any type are always welcome. You can deposits your gifts in the brown container located in the alcove off of Stingle Hall. Your support is greatly appreciated.