EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – APRIL 28, IN EAST PARKING LOT – ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL, 900 Geiger Street, Neenah WI. We will be having Eucharistic Adoration Monday, April 28th at 6:00 p.m. However, there will be a modified method for this Adoration. At 6:00 p.m. Father Bob and Deacon Tom will process with the Holy Eucharist out the back of church to the east parking lot. There will be a table set up for the monstrance to be set on and allow people to pray with Jesus.
There are some specific requirements for participation. You must come in a car and park with windows up and you should not exit your vehicles. Please park at least two stalls away from any other vehicle. Father Bob and Deacon Tom will go to each individual vehicle for a blessing. Please remain in your car with the windows up during this blessing.
We will remain in the parking lot for adoration until all people have had a chance to pray with and adore our Lord or until it is dark. This event is weather related. If it is raining or snowing, we will not be able to hold Adoration.