Fundraisers & Socials Team Fund Raisers and socials are wonderful ways to become involved in the church and help others. There many opportunities to serve and support St. Gabriel Parish.

Hospitality Team Providing a welcoming environment is a critical part of providing a Catholic experience for parishioners and visitors. From serving Coffee to ushering, there are ways to serve.

The Mission of the Human Concerns Commission is to strive to meet the social needs within our community and beyond through education, advocacy and service. For I was hungry and…Read More >

Music Team Music is a language deeper than words.  Music can help draw people closer to Christ.  It enables the faithful to participate more deeply in the sacred mysteries. Music…Read More >

Parish Structure Leadership teams are an integral role in developing and maintaining the mission of the church. If you are feeling called to help parish with planning and maintain the…Read More >

Prayer Ministry The rosary is prayed each Tuesday at 5:00 pm in church. Join us for a Eucharistic Holy Hour, an opportunity to spend about an hour of time with…Read More >

This committee strives to spread the Church’s Pro-Life message and works to achieve respect for all human life from fertilization until natural death.  The committee meets the first Monday of…Read More >

Support Ministries There are many miscellaneous ways to support and serve the parish. The church always needs help with parish mailings, church cleaning, and money counters to name a few.…Read More >

Worship Team The worship team is important to praising the Lord and making every Sunday a success. There are countless opportunities to become involved.