Widows Group

Our Volunteer Appreciation was a success, and it was wonderful to see so many people! Our parish community is blessed by this group of people who have so generously served with their time and talent over the past number of years. We would not be the parish community that we are without our volunteers – THANK YOU again!!
Did you know St. Margaret Cemetery is shared by St. Gabriel, St. Margaret Mary, and St. Patrick Parishes? It is a glorious place for a quiet walk and reflection! St. Margaret Cemetery is located in the Town of Neenah, just north of Oakhill Cemetery. The main entrance is on North Road.
Thank you all for a job well done Neenah-Menasha Catholic Parishes and SMCS. Together we raised the necessary funds and 300 volunteers proceeded to pack 51,192 meals for our global neighbors in need.
What a beautiful Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession! Thank you to everyone who organized, played a role and participated. It was a wonderful way to honor our Lord Jesus Christ Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity and spread the good news to our part of Neenah!
There will be NO Questions and Answers with Fr. Bob in February as he will be away on the Mission Trip.
The Twin City Perpetual Adoration Chapel located at St. Margaret Mary is for Everyone! Parishioners from our five parishes and beyond commit to spending an hour in prayer throughout the day and night. It is open 24 hours a day, there is a security code to enter and everyone is welcome. If you can not commit to a specific hour, becoming a substitute adorer is very helpful. We now have an easy and convenient online scheduling system that you can use to check openings, request subs and receive notices. Please visit the site at twincities.weadorehim.com. This is a beautiful place for family prayer, preparation for receiving Sacraments, Lenten reflection, praise, petition and gratitude.
More information on adoration or ways to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament can be found at www.facebook.com/TwinCitiesPerpetualAdorationChapel. If you are interested in becoming a substitute or regular adorer, you can sign up online at https://twincities.weadorehim.com/. A deep measure of thanksgiving belongs to Our Lord who poured out His own Blood for our salvation on the Cross and who comes to us in the Eucharist. All praise and honor and glory to Him forever!
St. Gabriel Contact: Gary & Mary Kresal
Gary – 920-570-0264 Mary – 920-427-1564
Fast Fund February is here!
During the month of February the discount on Kwik Trip gift cards will be 10% rather than 5%! This means that anyone who would like to order denominations other than the cards we keep in stock will greatly benefit the parish by ordering in the month of February! For instance, if you order a $100 Kwik Trip card the parish will receive profit of $10 rather than $5! Please consider ordering (or purchasing from our stock) Kwik Trip gift cards to support the parish! This costs you nothing extra – it’s money you’d be spending on gas, groceries, and coffee at Kwik Trip anyway!!
Click below to view a Scrip Order Form